Sunday, August 5, 2012


HoLy cOw! I seriously think it was 110 today in the sun. Is it bad that we were seeing purple spots?

 You said it, Cole...

Today we screwed in all the ceiling panels as they were a bit warped from the sun/heat. I also collected all the outside light fixtures to take home and clean up and attempt to rewire. We shall see how I do with that...

I'm a tad bummed that the weather is so unbearable. It slows productivity!  Just some random shots for today. Not much interesting to say about putting wood putty in cracks or spending 30 minutes trying to unfold the largest tarp ever.... :/

Crap, one of the few remaining windows got broken!

Star, trying to stay cool

I was fascinated by this moth. Looks like a little skirted headless statue with arms up and wings

Spent the day filling with wood putty-Going to cover in vintage white tapestry wallpaper

Another huge black widow. I let her stay.

I really wanted to get a clear photo of this yellow jacket. Poor little guy had his arms and legs crossed so peacefully...

...until I dropped a clamp on him...  :( 

...I tried to put him back together, but I think his bottom half was upside down

heart hole

Agnes has a fancy new cover!

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