Been waiting for three days for a call back from a Craigslist ad for free hardwood floors. Finally heard from him and went to go pull some up for Agnes. The best part is that it is literally two blocks from my house. Although I could obviously just go buy new wood, the idea of there being some history, a story, behind Agnes' foundation is so much more charming and special. What can I say. I'm a romantic.
Keith has lived in his house for thirteen years and decided he wanted to rebuild it. Although he has a contractor, he's basically doing the work himself and learning as he goes. I'm so inspired! One of my projects is to build my own house. Well, once I get some land (known as Sanctuary). I figure it can't be that hard, right?? Anyway, I get over there and start pulling up the floor. Much easier than I thought it would be. Although I guess not eating within the last 24 hours and not bringing any water wasn't the best thought out plan. I was just too excited that I forgot. Oops. And it was about 90 degrees. And there was no roof. Almost passed out a few times toward the end there..but managed to make it home ok with only a few little injuries (damn nails and sharp end of the pry bar!) and a quick stop for a beer. :)
Although I don't need that much, I was just having too much fun to stop. I figure I can always use for something else (again, my house). Keith laughed at me because I told him how much I enjoyed and just wanted to hang around and watch them work. I don't know, I guess there is something so satisfying about watching something transform, especially when you've done it with your own two hands. I had to leave to go back to work, but I may just go back tomorrow and get some more. Just for the hell of it.
I also kept wondering about if there was anything under the floorboards, you know, critters, hidden treasures, other creepy things. Did I just hear a heartbeat? I love the thought of finding something hidden or left by someone years ago...
Keith was fun to talk to and he offered to buy my new prybar off me as he had misplaced his. I personally think it's sitting somewhere on a shelf in the frame of the house, but he's convinced it made its way to the dumpster. I just gave it to him. What a nice guy to offer! He gave me tons of free flooring! We compared our bloody injuries (he won) and I went on my merry way...
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