Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wow. Today two things actually went on the trailer instead of being taken off. The back panel and the gimp. This was the most work we have done in a while and a huge step! I got to participate more which made me so happy. The staple gun is my friend! Bob and Ben took off some of the frame from the top so I could lay the gimp down. I had so much shopping at http://www.vintagetrailersupply.com/. I bought a new vent and some welting. My new favorite store! I think it looks so good and nice and clean. They also put on the lower back panel, which was a #@%$%*.  It turned out perfectly. Ben made a special piece to lay between the panel and the floor, so it has a nice clean finished look and feel to it. I glued a bunch of veneer on the cupboards and sanded the hell out of everything I could. It's starting to feel like a new trailer. I can see the littlest glimpse of it all coming together. She's going to be so pretty...

Mysterious new hole in the ceiling... Benjamin..?

What's left of the back right now

Installing the gimp. Fun job for me!

Gluing and Clamping

The fresh and clean new back panel!

Lower back panel and finishing strip. Ahhhh. Clean!

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